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RIKEN is currently accepting applications for the FY 2026 Special Postdoctoral Researcher (SPDR) Program, from young, creative, independent researchers who will be a powerful force in furthering RIKEN’s research activities.

Number of openings: Around 70

Research fields:
Mathematical Sciences (pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computer science, information science, artificial intelligence, etc.), Physics I (particle, nuclear, astrophysics, etc.), Physics II (condensed matter, etc.), Chemistry, Biology (cell biology, developmental biology, plant biology, structural biology, microbiology, imaging, measuring, basic neuroscience, etc.), Medical Science (brain medical science, immunology, oncology, genome science, etc.) and Engineering that relate to research being conducted at RIKEN.

Capable of independent and responsible pursuit of a research topic. See SPDR website for details.

Salary and benefits:

  • Annual salary paid in monthly installments of 550,000 yen (gross amount).
  • Commuting allowance (actual cost up to maximum of 55,000 yen per month)
  • Housing allowance (partial payment of rent)
  • Research budget: 1,000,000 yen per year. In addition, upon review, a maximum of 1,000,000 yen in total can be provided up to two times during the three-year SPDR term.
    The amount for the first fiscal year and the last fiscal year is allotted on a pro-rata basis depending on the month in which the SPDR starts working at RIKEN.
  • Fixed-term contract employee (3 years)

Applications will be accepted from February 3 to April 10, 2025.

SPDR Desk, Research Personnel Affairs Section, RIKEN
2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 Japan
Email: wakate[at] *Please replace [at] with @ when addressing Emails

Note: The provisions for this position are premised on RIKEN’s current budget and are subject to change with any change in the budget. Please check the website for details.

2025-03-05 2025-04-10