An important objective of the conference is to engage in lively debate and to exchange information by sharing the latest research results, including those that have not yet been published. In order to achieve this objective, we ask you to follow the guidelines set out below with respect to research presentations.
1. The following behavior, which could seriously damage mutual trust among participants, is prohibited.
- Saving (including screen captures), photographing, recording, or videotaping of raw data presented or displayed at the verbal presentation venue or the poster venue (both including online streaming) without the permission of the presenter.
- Disclosure of the above research data to a third party via SNS or similar media without the permission of the presenter.
2. When making presentations, as far as possible, there should be no concealing of molecule names, methodologies, theoretical concepts or ideas that are central to the research.
3. Presenters are to take responsibility for the handling of information relating to patent applications and the like.
4. Presenters shall disclose any situation that may constitute a conflict of interest in their presentation at the annual meeting.
Adopted September 14, 2018
Molecular Biology Society of Japan, 20th Board of Directors
*Guideline 1. was partially revised and Guideline 4. was added at the 3rd Board of Directors meeting of the 22nd term on November 29, 2021.