MBSJ English website

Annual Meeting 2024
GTC cover art October 2024

October 2024
Ebisu (the god of fortune) is delighted to have obtained a mouse with a panda pattern through crossbreeding. In Japan, selective breeding of plants and animals became popular during the Edo period, and the method for producing mice with various patterns, including panda patterns, was described in Chin-Gan-Sodate-Gusa (1787). These fancy mice were likely exported to Europe and crossbred, and about 7% of the genome of the C57BL/6J strain is derived from the Japanese mouse subspecies Mus musculus molossinus. This cover illustration was created in reference to the meeting report published in the July 2024 issue of this journal (Abe et al. (2024) Genes Cells 29(7): 525-531, DOI: 10.1111/gtc.13131).

GTC cover art September 2024

September 2024
Kintsugi is a traditional Japanese technique for repairing broken ceramics using urushi lacquer and gold powder. What makes kintsugi unique from other restoration methods is the philosophy that the repair adds new value to the ceramics. This concept is very similar to modern genome editing (particularly knock-in techniques). We, too, have attempted a knock-in on a broken tea bowl using kintsugi.