
Brown University
Japanese students - Brown support
(posted 2011-04-15)

My friends in Japan - I hope this note finds you as well and communicates our wishes to you for a safe and speedy recovery in Japan. I write to inform you that my University would like to do what it can to help students displaced from the natural disaster continue their Ph.D. research. My University offers to PhD candidates an opportunity to travel to Brown and to work with researchers here that best matches their projects and interests. The website for researchers at Brown follows:

I realize many universities in Japan are capable of taking on displaced students, and that the camaraderie of the Japanese research community is very strong. I can also imagine that many students now must be incapable of continuing their PhD research, thereby making this disaster even worse. We are prepared to begin taking on several students, and my University will provide travel, housing, supplies, and if necessary, stipend support for the students. I ask that you consider students you know that would benefit from this opportunity, and to forward their names/research interests, and needs to Professor Mowry, my chairperson, to Mamiko Yajima, a researcher in the lab, and to me (all copied above).

I realize this is only a small drop in the ocean of what needs to be done, but as Mother Teresa once said: "If you can not feed a thousand people, then feed just one".

Please guide us to where our help might be best used.

Warm regards - gary
