
GTC cover art September 2024

September 2024

Kintsugi is a traditional Japanese technique for repairing broken ceramics using urushi lacquer and gold powder. What makes kintsugi unique from other restoration methods is the philosophy that the repair adds new value to the ceramics. This concept is very similar to modern genome editing (particularly knock-in techniques). We, too, have attempted a knock-in on a broken tea bowl using kintsugi.

GTC cover art August 2024

August 2024

Female mosquitoes suck blood to mature their eggs. It has been reported that fibrinopeptide A (FPA), which is cleaved from fibrinogen α chain during blood coagulation, makes mosquitoes feel 'full' and stop sucking blood (Sakuma et al. (2024) Cell Reports 43: 114354, DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114354). The mother in this painting is trying to use a mosquito net imbued with the ability of FPA to override the child's nightmare of a blood-sucking mosquito with the image of a satiated mosquito. In addition to fibrinogen and FPA, the mother's kimono shows schematic images of fibrin that has just begun to coagulate.
雌の蚊は卵を成熟させるために吸血するが、血液凝固の過程でフィブリノゲンα鎖から切り出されたフィブリノペプチドA(FPA)が蚊に「満腹」を感じさせ、吸血を止めさせることが報告された(Sakuma et al. (2024) Cell Reports 43: 114354, DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114354)。この絵の母親は、FPAの能力をまとった蚊帳を使って、子どもが見ている吸血中の蚊の悪夢を、満腹の蚊のイメージで上書きしてやろうとしている。母親の着物にはフィブリノゲン・FPAと、凝固し始めたフィブリンの模式図が描かれている。